Our Story

From solicitor to soapmaker the story of how Ascent was born...


Michelle's story...

My love of creating lotions and potions began as a child when I used to steal my mum’s Avon bubble baths and mix them together to make new and interesting fragrances, however the actual idea for Ascent wasn’t properly imagined until my late twenties. As a stressed out and over-worked lawyer, my go-to relaxation method was always a long hot soak in the bath. To switch off I would create a mental bucket list of all the places in the world I wanted to visit, what the sights and sounds would be but also what the smells would be as our sense of smell is so intrinsically linked to memory and emotion.

It would be another ten years and two children later before this bucket list would come alive in the form of a business and our first collection - The Journey Collection.
 Five years later and the collections and products have grown and more scent stories have been written. The business has been fortunate enough to win awards and to stock gift shops and other businesses around the UK.
My goal hasn’t really changed that much from the girl mixing my mum’s products and the lawyer daydreaming in the bath ... .to experience joy in every product and fragrance I create and to spread that message of the importance of self care with beautifully considered scent stories.
Thank you for using our products.
Michelle x